Thursday, December 13, 2012

New Approach to Treating Yeast Infection - Yogurt and Garlic Top List of Most Popular Home Remedies

Women who suffer from vaginal yeast infection, or candida, may want to visit their kitchen before heading to the drug store. A new survey of recommended alternative medical treatments lists yogurt and garlic as the two most popular home remedies for this condition known to affect nearly three out of every four women at least once in their lifetime. Other treatments found in the survey include dietary and life-style changes plus various herbal remedies.

The Natural Family Health Group, an independent research group specializing in family health issues, conducted this survey over several months and researched print and on-line articles, books, and health guides. According to Jean Sanders, a lead researcher with the Natural Family Health Group, "The purpose of the study was to identify which home treatments were most often recommended in current publications on alternative o Tips: Find Street Fashion Online(may be you can find what you want on the r complimentary medicine. Women these days want to understand all the medical treatment choices available to them."

An important concept noted in nearly all of the publications reviewed for this survey was that women need to first understand the cause of yeast infection. According to Joseph Apuzzio, MD and researcher focusing on infectious diseases in Gynecology, "A yeast infection is an overgrowth of a naturally occurring yeast in the vagina, which is severe enough to cause the patient to have symptoms." In other words, it is normal for healthy women to have the yeast organism, known as Candida Albicans, in small quantities. They experience a so-called yeast infection whenever their normal yeast population grows to excessive levels and thus irritates skin and vaginal tissues.

According to Sanders, "It's really a question of balance, that is, eliminating factors that tend to increase yeast overgrowth while at the same time supplying your body with other normal organisms that compete with the yeast and keep it at normal levels."Sanders explained, "We believe that the reason that yogurt was the most often recommended home treatment is because it reportedly helps to replace the normal balance of so-called friendly microorganisms. The articles we surveyed suggest that affected women should not only eat additional yogurt but that in some cases they may want to apply it directly to affected areas. Women have indicated that this helps relieve some of the discomfort while at the same time encouraging those friendly bacteria be restored back to normal levels."

The survey found fresh garlic to be the second most popular home treatment. Alternative medicine proponents claim that garlic contains a natural anti-fungal substance that can help reduce a yeast overgrowth condition. Additional suggestions noted in the survey include discontinuing the use of commercial douche products that can adversely affect the normal balance of healthy microorganisms and also avoiding tight-fitting clothing especially those made of synthetic materials. In addition, the survey lists herbal remedies and other natural products such as acidophilus and other so-called "probiotics".

The Natural Family Health Group has published details of its findings on-line at the website along with additional articles covering causes, symptoms, and other treatment choices.

"Women who are considering home treatment for their yeast problem should make sure their condition is in fact a yeast infection," warns Sanders. "There are several serious conditions including sexually transmitted diseases, or STDs, that can be confused with yeast infection symptoms. Therefore, women should be strongly encouraged to get their doctor to help in diagnosing their condition before starting self-treatment."

About the Natural Family Health Group:

The Natural Family Health Group in an independent research group dedicated to providing consumers with information on family health topics and natural treatments to common conditions.


Shelley Graham, director of marketing

Natural Family Health Group



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